LaVerne Campbell

LaVerne Campbell

LaVerne Campbell

LaVerne Campbell is a Registered Nurse Manager with 35 years as a nurse with a wide range of expertise from Critical Care Nursing to Home Health Care. LaVerne has served in the role of nurse mentor and preceptor to countless nursing students and graduate nurses. LaVerne volunteers as nurse educator with the American Cancer Society educating women in local churches on the importance of early
detection of breast cancer and the ABC’s of breast health. She also volunteers as an Ambassador with the American Diabetes Association’s “Power Project” targeting the African American church community on prevention, treatment and living with diabetes. Recently, LaVerne was named as chair of ADA’s Woman to Woman program where emphases is placed on educating African American woman on caring for themselves as they care for their families. LaVerne is an active member of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, a professional nursing organization. In addition, she has received numerous awards and recognition such as Nurse of the Year, Sorority Member of the Year and Woman of the Year (awarded by her Church).
LaVerne is an entrepreneur and CEO of her home based jewelry business, Jewels by Park Lane.
LaVerne considers her most important life accomplishment has been being “Mom” to Tammy and Jason.